It is a significant achievement to reach the finals of the championships', firstly qualifying and then getting through two knock out rounds to play in the finals. Well done to all contestants, there is a winner and a runner up and the results are:
D R Hill-Douglas Trophy Club Champion 2023
Winner Justin Smith
Runner up Rory Blatch
Prosper Ellis Trophy 'B' Grade Champion 2023
Winner John Houston
Runner up John Ferguson
Harding Clark Cup 'C' Grade Champion 2023
Winner Robert Eriksson
Runner up David McInnes
Thanks to our referees on the day; John Buchanan; Peter Cottee and Wayne Meadth. Also, thanks to all our gallery members who enjoyed the golf, the perfect weather and the post round socialising on the club house deck.
Saturday 25 November - St Andrews Day
Changes to the competition this year - it's a Medley Event and 4BBB Aggregate (best of three) stableford.
Remember: to claim the Whisky prizes at least one member of the winning team must be in attendance for the Presentation.
Sunday 26 November - Adult Day Care Centre Charity Golf Day
12 noon shot gun start - Ambrose
Contact Dennis Neale to join the day if you are not already playing.
Saturday 2 December - Monthly Medal & 1st Round of the Peter Tait (2 rounds aggregate stroke)
(Second round is December 9)
Sunday 17 December Members Xmas Cheer 3 Person Ambrose
Captain vs. Captain in conjunction.
8:30 am Shot gun start.