- Coming Events
- Recent Results
- The Rules Quiz
- Know Your Course Competition
- A Little Humour
- The August Monthly Medal, will be played next Saturday 3rd of August. The John McMaster's Trophy will also be presented to the best net score by an eligible player. So sharpen up those skills and we hope to see as many as possible at the presentation.
- There will be an Ambrose competition 'with a difference' on Wednesday 7th of August. It will be played in teams of 3 players, and each player is permitted to use a maximum of 5 clubs. No swapping or borrowing allowed. Four tee shots are required from each player. This should be a lot of fun, and I won't be surprised to hear players saying 'I played better than I usually do with 14 clubs'. Sign up and enjoy the variety.
- Wednesday 24th July. A very mild Winter's day and 55 players joined the field for a single Stableford competition. John Hopkins (25) emerged as the victor with 40 points, from the Captain, Dick Hiser (14) on 38 points on count back. The Eagle is getting tired carrying all these balls and since this prize was again not won, another is added, bringing the total to 10. Tony Fitzpatrick (14) cleaned up both the NTP 11th and the pro pin. We had one visitor on the day, from Wallacia GC and the DSR was 69.
- Saturday 27th July. My appreciation to past Captain David Stanley for kindly running the presentation in my absence. A single Stableford event with 60 participants saw some hot scoring. Ian McKenzie (24) victorious over John Hobbs (21) on a count back with 40 points. Langdon Emery finally relieved the Eagle of his load, winning 10 balls. The NTP 11th went to Frank Eggert and Dennis Neale the pro pin. Two visitors, both from Howlong GC and a DSR of 69.
Last week, I thought it was time to revisit the rules covering the changed technique for dropping a ball when taking relief (go and read it now). In the question I asked what a player should do if he/she realises that they have dropped in an incorrect way. The correct answer is to lift the ball and drop again, this time in the correct manner. There is no limit to the number of times you might have dropped incorrectly, provided that you don't hit the ball without correcting the drop. If you don't correct the method of dropping, and hit the ball, there will be a 1 shot penalty (if you hit from within the correct relief area) or 2 shots (if you've hit from outside the correct relief area). Remember, knee high, straight down.
This Week's Scenario.
We've all been there, you've left your ball beside a green-side bunker, and you are faced with a short lob shot across the bunker to the hole. As you stand over the ball, that little voice in your head shouts "whatever you do, DON"T hit this into the bunker". Well, yep you guessed it, you hit your ball into the bunker. The question for this week is, what are all the options available to you for your next shot?

Congratulations to Jim Phillips for again being the first to provide the correct answer to last week's competition. If you still haven't worked it out, Skippy is playing the 5th fairway. Thank you to all the other contestants, see how you go this week. Come on ladies, not seeing many entries, remember, it's open to all.
This week's photo. Note that the answer is in two parts, both are required. First correct answer to me at [email protected] wins the ball marker.

This week the humorous content is provided courtesy of former club captain, Mr Jim Dickson (via Ian McKenzie). Thank you for adding to the blog.