This year's Bruce Smith Cup competition against Moss Vale is on Sunday 30th April 2017 with tee off approximately 11.00 am at Moss Vale. The event has been played for many years and although played in good spirit, is very competitive. Should you wish to play, we have a sign up sheet in the pro shop with entries to close on April 17th. If you enjoy Match Play or just want to have a go, please add your name to the list.
As you may have read by way of an email, we have had to postpone several events, including the Monthly Medal until next week due to the unseasonable amount of rain we have had on the course over the last month. Not only is the course wet, with more rain expected, the grass is leaping out of the ground and our ground staff can't keep up with it. In order to help, we propose to have a "working bee" this Friday, at 9.00 am, just for mowing and Whipper Snipping in places mowers can't go. With the clubs mowers, our staff can concentrate on the fairways greens and tees, however it is the rough that requires our attention. Any member who can lend us a had with a mower, ride on or not, a Whipper Snipper or just a good heart,would be most welcome. Please also ensure you bring safety equipment such as eye, ear and foot protection in order to avoid injury. Any help you can give would be most appreciated.
A light renovation of the green's is taking place as I am writing this Blog. The 5mm coring, started yesterday to avoid predicted unpleasant weather today, is now complete and Damian is lightly sanding the greens to finish the task. Using this method of renovations, means the greens recover quickly and are available for play immediately without the need for the "two putt rule" to apply. The light coring gives us the same advantages as a heavier core, whilst minimizing the cost and the workload of the staff. It only another example of our great course staff doing what they do best in the interest of the club. Well done. Last Thursday was our annual match against the Australian Golf Club. Although it looked bleak early, the clouds opened up and gave us nearly perfect playing conditions, albeit it was a bit wet under foot. We have been playing the Australian for around 70 years and in later years (7), Bowral have not had the success they had hoped for and had been beaten soundly both at home and away. In order to allow more flexibility in teams for this predominately male dominated social event, ladies were allowed to join the teams some 3 years ago, which has put some enthusiasm back into the contest. Both Ian McKenzie and The Australians, John Rowan, have done a wonderful job of organising the event for the past twenty odd years and have used the formula, that if you had played previously you were given first right of refusal at the next event. It is unfortunate that of the 160 odd members available to play, there are only 32 spots, which means it is inevitable that there will be some disappointments. The ladies headed off at around 11.15am with the men following. At the close of the rounds cards were handed into the Pro Shop for collation however, as is tradition, no results were to be announced until dinner that night. All games were played in great spirit and the visitors were most complimentary about the course. An excellent dinner was provided by external caterers from Centennial Vineyards Restaurant and plenty of wine and beer flowed freely. President Kevin Burke set the theme of the speeches with several jokes, with Australian President, Ken Rennie following with his own library of comical renditions. This lightened the mood for the more formal announcements by Australian's Captain, Stuart Cox and myself, that Bowral had won a monumental achievement by winning 14.5 games to the Australians 4.5. A great day and night was had by all. The challenge has now been set that we will beat the Australian on their own turf next year. Thank you to all those who played and attended the dinner. An account for your meal and the cost of all refreshments and drink, will be available from the office shortly. If anybody has further photos of the event, could I please have them for publication and history. |
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