![]() With the use of the excavator, which we have had on loan of over the past two weeks, the Poplar sapling in the hazard on the left of the 18th fairway is now down and out. Remnants can be seen in the photo, however they will be cleared today and allow anyone game enough, a clear shot out of the hazard, without this nuisance sapling as an obstruction. Eventually the roots from this sapling would have encroached on the fairway.
As all golfing members would have noticed, we have a major problem with the pipes under the 18th bridge. When we did the "head-wall" we were not aware of the extent of damage to the pipes further in, which only came to light when Damian, our Superintendent, fell through a hole gradually made worse by the recent surge of flood water. To rectify the damage, the pipes have been cleared, a 450mm sleeve pipe inserted inside the old pipes, reinforcing will be added to the break and whole lot buried in concrete. This will all be completed by our great ground staff at minimum cost and be a permanent solution to the problem. Task should be completed by the end of this week. The 3rd pipe you can see in the hole is not in use. With 900mm of pipe available, this will carry the majority of water coming from the dam. In the event of flood, water will go over the top or around the bridge, as designed, with out further damage.
![]() What a great way to spend a holiday Monday. Beautiful weather, course drying out, 36 enthusiastic mixed players followed by a few drinks and a tasty ham bun. The club instigated a 12 hole mixed Medley novelty competition, just in time to take advantage of the day. As is often the case, your Captain forgot to take photo's of the happy event, but needless to say it looked like everyone had a great time. Winners on the day were Robyn and David McGinnes with Jan and Ashley Southon with 61 points and Robert Bearup, Ko. Buisman, Anne Vitou and Helen Chadwick Runners up with 57 points. There was little pressure, as the format of the day allowed for new members to take their place in teams without feeling the weight to succeed. Neither the ladies or the men managed to reach the 11th green for a nearest the pin, although Pascale Timores and Margaret Howitz succeeded with their longest drive on the 18th. The club provided a large glazed leg of ham, free to members, cooked by the Captain and his wife, carved by professional Pascal Timores, which was devoured with enthusiasm and glee. Only the bone remained, which may end up in Pea & Ham soup by our wonderful resident chef, Regina sometime later in the week. We will see. Due the success of the day, we will hold similar competitions on Sunday the 9th July, 13th August and 10th September. Please put these dates in your diary and book early. With the arrival of winter and the inevitable frosts that we have on our course, it is timely to remind all members and visitors to the course of the damage to the fairways, greens and surround by careless and unnecessary driving, walking and pushing of buggies during heavy frost periods. Attached is a copy of our frost policy for your information, which is self explanatory. Our ground staff do an excellent job to prepare the course each day to the standard that we have come to expect. Your assistance in adhering to the policy with a common sense approach, would be most appreciated by all. Below is a presentation of the damage that can be caused by allowing access to the course during frosts. ![]()
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March 2024