New Rules Effective 1st January 2019. Course Remarking .
Late in November we were visited be Graeme Phillipson, General Manager of Golf NSW. His visit was to advise the M&G committee on the changes required , for our course marking of penalty areas to conform with the implementation of the new rules.
Alec Dietsch and I toured the course with him to show him the changes we had made prior to his visit with which he generally agreed. Alec has done the bulk of the work in this area and has prepared the following list of the changes you will have to play to as from January 1st 2019.
Alec has done an extraordinary amount of work in this vital part of the changes required so our course is ready to go come the new year.
The Golf Course has been Re-Marked
Members will notice that the marking of hazards on the course has changed recently in anticipation of the commencement of the New Rules of Golf on 1 January 2019. The New Rules include a range of guidelines for Committees to allow rationalisation of the markings of Penalty Areas (new name for Hazards).
The main changes that members will notice are;
- All Penalty Area (formerly Hazards) markings are now RED, making it easier for Members to learn the allowable methods of play from within a Penalty Area. All of the previous YELLOW Hazards are now RED.
- Removal of Penalty Area markings on a range of former hazards which only have water in them occasionally. After 1st January 2019, if a Member in in these areas and there is water present, then a free drop will be allowable for Temporary Water, as it is on any other area of the course at present. The most noticeable areas may be;
- The area left of the pond on Hole No 2
- The shallow drainage ditches between the 5th and 6th fairways and the rear of the 11th green
- The long drainage ditch on Hole No 10 at the rear of “The Majors”
- The area at the foot of the dam wall on Hole No 15
- There are two extended Penalty Areas where the area beyond an existing RED Penalty Area is considered that it is unfair to expect Members to play from. These are;
- The wooded area below the Telecom tower beyond the existing RED Drainage ditch. The new Penalty Area goes from the edge of the Penalty Area marking to the course boundary, from the 9th Tee area down to Burradoo Road fence.
- The area beyond the drainage ditch on the west side of the 16th fairway. This storage and maintenance area between 3rd, 4th and 16th fairways will soon be fully marked around, so that it becomes a Penalty Area on each of those holes.
- The drainage depressions across the 16th fairway will have the Penalty Area markings removed when the drainage piping around the willow tree is repaired and water drainage across that area is minimal and occasional.