- Course Update
- Coming Events
- Whitehorse Cup
- The Whale's Tooth
- Recent Results
- The Rules Quiz
- A Little Humour
- Dare I say that I've noticed a slight improvement in the repair of divots across the course. However, don't drop the ball now, keep up the good work and be sure to thank anyone, on my behalf, for repairing a divot they did not cause.
- Renovations began today to core and sand all the greens, including the practice green. Brushing-in will be completed tomorrow (Tuesday) in time to re-open the course on Wednesday.
- The working Bee which was held today (thanks to Norris Dudgeon and Adam and Colin from the greens staff) completed the final shaping and filling of the bunker on the left of the 10th green. A granite composite step has been fitted to improve access and is considered an immoveable obstruction, from which relief may be taken in accordance with rule 16.1 (relief to be taken outside the bunker, as the step is outside the line of the bunker edge). Players have been neglecting their responsibilities by not raking the bunkers after use.
- Wednesday 10th March is the Greens Keepers Revenge 3 person Ambrose.
- Wednesday 17th March is the St Patrick's Day Irish 4 ball event.
- Saturday 20th is the next Trophy event with the Warwick Armstrong Cup. There will be a presentation after this event, and the presentations will then revert to what they were before Covid changed everything. Wednesday and Saturday presentations will return after nearly 12 months!!
- Saturday 27th March is the Patron's Trophy, which also serves as the qualifying round for the Club Championships in Foursomes knockout.
- Sunday 28th March is the last day for completion of the first round of the Arthur Brassey Handicap Matchplay knockout.
- The BGC Annual General Meeting will be held in the clubhouse on the evening of 15th April.
Coming Events - Clubhouse
The following email covers the coming social events to be held in the clubhouse.
Upcoming Social Events
Good morning,
Please see below the latest upcoming events flyer. Details are also kept up to date on the club's website.
Please book by phoning the bar on 48611042 (option 2)
Very Kind regards,
Tim Davis
Assistant Manager

Congratulations to the members of the BGC #1 team who successfully made their way through the elimination final with a great 5 matches to 2 win against The Grange. The match was played at the Jamberoo GC and featured several matches being determined at the 18th green. Good luck to the team for next Sunday as they play a 1/4 final against Moss Vale #2 at St Georges Basin GC.
This Trophy competition is an annual event between BGC and The Australian GC. This has ensured that the two clubs maintain the very close association which has been fostered since the 1930's. In the 1960's the event was formalised by Royce Jeffries (The AGC) and Harry Murdoch (BGC) and the trophy was produced by BGC following the first event. The original Trophy was lost in a fire which destroyed the AGC clubhouse in 1982 and was replaced with the current one. The event alternates each year, and this year was hosted in magnificent style by The AGC.
The event of the day consisted of a number of 4BBB competitions which provided 1 point to the appropriate team for a win and 1/2 a point for a tie. After the completion of the event the final score was 11 matches to 5, in favour of The Australian GC. Congratulations to everyone for a very close-fought competition with many matches being decided by just one point. Congratulations to the pairing of John Mulholland and Brian Hanrahan who were the best placed BGC team with a match winning score of 42 points. Congratulations to the other winning team members, Russell and Meeghan Bourne, Will Clayton and Jim Phillips, Christine Levy and Netti Buchanan, and Maggie McKenzie and Julie Jeffery. Congratulations also to Ray Clayton, who participated in his 50th Whale's Tooth competition.
Wednesday 3rd March. Autumn brought with it some beautiful weather. 76 players turned out for the single Stableford event, which was won by John Mulholland (8) on a count back with 39 points.
Best 'A' grade score went to Phil Joshua (13) with 39 points.
Best 'B' grade score went to Wayne Ison (23) with 38 points.
Best 'C' grader score went to Bill Hiller (28) with 39 points.
The Eagle was not troubled and there will be 2 balls on offer next week.
The NTP 11th was won by Terry Downing and the Pro pin by David Bickford. Balls were won down to 34 points via a count back and we welcomed a visitor from Warnambool GC.

Friday 9th March. The "Nugget". Another awesome day with 21 players in the 9-hole competition (17 Men and 4 Women).
- Scott Olding (10) 23 points
- Brad Johnson (7) 22 points
- Mim Poolman (29) 21 points
- James Rowe (7) 20 points.
'A' Grade Medal : Dick Hiser (11) nett 67, runner-up Tony Hobson (15) nett 68 via count back.
'B' Grade Medal : Tom Dunlop (22) nett 62, runner-up William Capel (23) nett 64
'C' Grade Medal : Bob Moore (31) nett 70 runner-up Tony Dick (28) nett 71
The Scratch winner was Jimmy Pinkstone (5) with 74.
The Eagle's nest was not won and will jackpot to 6 balls next week. The NTP 11th was won by Les Brooker and the Pro pin by John Ferguson. Balls were won down to nett 72 via count back. We welcomed visitors from Eastlakes, Liverpool, Warnambool and Royal Sydney GCs.
Last Blog I asked a series of questions which relate to Score card procedures. Specifically, what were the responsibilities of : The Player, The Marker and the Committee (the club).
Essentially, the Player is responsible for 3 items on a score card. 1. Ensuring the correct handicap is displayed, 2. Ensuring the correct RAW score is shown for each hole and 3. ensuring that the card is signed after completion. The Marker is responsible for 2 items, 1. Ensuring the correct RAW score is shown for each hole and 2. signing the card after completion.
The Committee (the club) is responsible for providing the player with a card bearing the player's name and the event date. (The handicap may also be pre-printed, but the player has the responsibility for ensuring it is correct). The Committee is also responsible for converting the players RAW score into the appropriate format as determined by the format of the competition (e.g. into Stableford points or +/- for a PAR event) and to complete tabulation of the RAW scores into a Total score for competition entry. The Committee is also responsible for determining any count back procedures.
The situation which will form the quiz at the next presentation (20th March) is the following.
A Player marks, lifts and replaces their ball on a putting surface. As the Player moves away the ball rolls a small distance and comes to a stop. The Player does not notice the movement but a fellow golfer does see the movement and advises the Player of the situation.
Question : What is the Player required to do, and what is the penalty should the Player not follow the correct procedure?

A Little Humour
Now Go Out and Enjoy a Game of Golf !!!